Microsoft Edge is an in-built web browser on Windows which was launched in 2015. Ever since then, Microsoft has been working on making it better by adding features to it. With Google Chrome as the largely popular web browser, Edge is trying to keep up.

Today we will discuss how to use Reading Mode and Built-in Dictionary in Microsoft Edge.

This update was introduced a while ago, but you might not even know about it. Browsing includes searching for good articles to read as people usually love to read online.

Therefore, if you love reading, then you can switch to Microsoft Edge browser as it does not require extensions for reading mode, unlike Chrome.

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Let’s learn about Reading View of Microsoft Edge-

How to Access Reading View?

It’s easy to access the Microsoft Edge Reading View, all you have to do is, follow the guide below:

Step 1: Launch Edge, it can be located on the taskbar on your system.

Step 2: Open a webpage on it, you will notice that in the address bar, a book icon is shown.

Which remains grey, until its an article to be used for reading view.

Look up for an article online. Now, as you have an article which has a reading material, detected by the Edge. It shows you the Book icon turning to enable mode as we scroll the cursor across it.

Step 3: Click on it and it will turn the page in a different layout.

This will give you an entirely different layout, which is suitable for readers. You can swipe right or left with the buttons provided on the screen. Basis behind this feature is that other pop-ups, ads, and related articles list distract the reader. By enabling the feature, you can concentrate on your article itself.

You will be pleased to know, reading view disables all the elements which can divert the user at bay. The attribute is to keep the reader engrossed with the article appearing on the screen.

Use CTRL + SHIFT + O to change font and themes on Text options in Reading view. Make use of Read Aloud to let the Edge read it for you. Use Learning tools to highlight nouns, verbs etc to learn the language. You can also Print the article from the print icon present in the bar hovering over the article. Use the last option to maximize the window to take up the entire screen to get a better view for reading.

How to Save Articles for Later Use?

When don’t have time for reading the articles at the very instant you can save it for later reading. This is similar to bookmarking or marking favorites. But it’s really helpful as it is creating a separate list for articles. Then you know when you are going through the list you can open them in Reading view on Edge. Simple guide on how to use it is given below:

Add Articles in Reading List:

Step 1: Launch Edge, open the article. Go to Star icon (Add to favorites) in the Address bar next to the Reading View Book icon.

Step 2: Click on it, and it shows you two options-

  • Favourite – to mark a page as favourite to visit later.
  • Reading List – to add the articles for later on read.

The link to the article is shown in the bar and it will be saved to the Edge browser.

Choose Reading List and click on Add.


When you see an article on a webpage, you can go to its title and right click on it. This will show you several options such as open in new tab, open in new window, copy link etc. You need to click on Add to reading list.

Access Articles From Reading List:

Step 1: Launch Edge browser, on the new window you can see the Favourites icon.

Step 2: Click on it, it opens a panel which has Favourites, Reading list, History and Downloads options.

Click on Reading list to see all the saved up articles.

Step 3: Click on the articles from the list, and it will open the link on the current window.

Now you can click on the Reading view to enjoy your article free from any diversions.

How to Use Built-In Dictionary?

Another feature which comes handy while reading articles is built-in dictionary. You can use this while reading your articles.

Step1: Launch Edge browser, go to the Top-right corner. Tap on three dot icon, which shows you more options.

Step 2: Click on Settings.

Step 3: Under General, Scroll down  to locate Show definitions inline for. Make sure it’s turned On for Books, Reading view.

  • Whenever you come across a word in an article on the Reading view, you can use Dictionary by double click on it. A pop up will show you the definition.
  • In the Bottom-Right, you can see an option named more, click on it to get elaborated definition of the word.
  • When you click on Bottom-left icon, it will download an offline dictionary. It’s used while reading the article while not connected to the internet.

To Conclude:

Here we covered the features of Microsoft Edge, which are favourable for all the readers, You can now read an article in reading view and look up the meaning for words right there. Please let us know in comments that how did you find these features introduced by Microsoft in the Edge browser.

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