Not just secure, it’s extremely secure! If you want to use VPN to provide privacy, then, only a ‘logless’ provider will do. A logless VPN does not record any digital footprints of your internet activities, keeping your privacy intact. If logs are kept, then sooner or later (no matter what providers say) it can be handed over to the authorities, or hacked by criminals.  If no logs are maintained, then there is nothing to hand over or hack. If a VPN is really logless and its encryption is great then it is definitely secure, if you majorly have privacy concerns. After all what’s the point of using a VPN which itself has all the records of your activities?

Providers, Mark your Words!

What providers mean when they say ‘no logs’ can vary dramatically from provider to provider. Let’s find the difference between various kinds of logs to get a precise understanding.

  • Usage Logs: Usage logs are the ones whose records your cyber activities, like the websites or links which you visit.

  • Connection Logs: These are the metadata of user’s connection. It typically includes things like when you connected, for how long, how often etc.

  • No logs/Logless: The provider promises not to keep any logs, neither usage nor connection.

Well, if a provider claims to keep no logs at all we have to trust its ability to run to run the service in this way. However, if a VPN provider is based in a country which really requires it to keep logs then it will do so, no matter what other impression it tries to give.  Most of the VPN provider claims they are log-less, but when they rent other company’s servers, the privacy often gets sabotaged.

Why should we Prefer a Logless VPN?

When you connect to a VPN, you’re trusting the VPN service provider with your data as well as security. Your communication may be secure from eavesdropping, but other systems on the same VPN especially the operators can easily log your data if they choose to. If this concerns you, then make sure that you well verse the privacy policies before signing up the deal. Rest assured, a logless VPN is proved to be much more secure than a regular VPN.


If privacy is even just a part of why you use a VPN service, then it is essential to choose a logless VPN provider (and the more logless the better). However, if I talk in terms of security then nothing is 200% secure under the sun. But if compared to regular VPN’s, a logless VPN is far more secure as it does not maintain any record of your internet activities. Hence, if there will no data or records then surely there’ll be minimized chances of being at risk.

So in our recommendation you should go for a logless VPN. There are a variety of logless VPNs available in the industry. Pick the best that serves your need and requirement to keep your security in place.

The more the merrier (Pish posh). The less logs, the better!

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